Family Law and CMS Research & Self Help

For a number of years after my own journey through the family courts began, shocked by how the system and the professionals within it were operating, I wanted to get answers to understand what was really going on, why and what was the wider impact.  I also wanted to put some of my early experiences, observiations and understanding to good use so that others good benefit from it.  Below are examples of articles, studies and video presentations I have put together over the last 5 years, and there is more in the pipeline.  These resources are recognised by many as being a robust reflection of whats going on in the family law industry and within the child maintenance system.  Do take the time to consume these, its highly likely they will help you in some way or other to navigate your own journey or at the very least have a much clearer understanding of what is happening and why.  

New Article - "I'm Not Going To Force Them

The Family Law Domestic Abuse Scandal Exposed In Numbers

Response to Sunday Times Article on Domestic Abuse During Lockdown

Infographic - Parental Alienation Effects on Society

Child Maintenance Service Parental Suicide Infographic

Report - Parental Deaths and the Child Maintenance Service - Are Parents in Financial Despair Being Driven to Premature Death? 

Article -  Government Vows to Overhaul Child Maintenance Service Amid Fears of Scandal Worse Than Horizon

Template - Statement Cover Page 

Template - Exhibit Cover Page & Index 


CMS Driving 20% of UK Suicide - Summary & Update Report


False Allegations in Family Court - A Self Help Guide


How to deal with Non-Molestation Orders in Family Court

Guide to Preparing Family Court Bundles 

If you need to prepare a bundle for family court, watch this guide video first, to download a cover page and bundle index template click here.

Guide to Statements & Exhibits

An overview on how to construct your statement and supporting evidence into an easy to navigate exhibit.