Family Court Support

Navigating the Family Courts can be a nerve wracking experience that exposes parents to huge stress and financial strain.  With FCG in your corner we believe your case will be resolved sooner, more effectively and at considerably lower financial cost compared to instructing SRA regulated solicitors or legal counsel.  Our fees by contrast can be 60% to 80% lower cost than a regulated law firm, but we also work hard to resolve your dispute quickly and effectively so that the whole family can put the experience behind them and focus on building their futures on a more stable footing.  

Parents needing to resort to family court for assistance in resolving their child contact or financial remedy issues are particularly vulnerable, the industry has evolved to one where predatory law firms prey on that vulnerability - often leading to the ruin of at least one of the parents if not both, severley disadvantaging the children of the family for many years to come.  Our service and approach is designed to reduce the likelihood of a predatory and adversarial approach taking hold of proceedings, helping all parties to resolve the dispute sensibly so that coparenting can resume and the children may get the best they can from each of their parents.   

We don't tolerate petty or false allegations from clients, and we quickly highlight them where they are put forward by the other side, using our expertise to quickly identify allegations that are either false or exaggerated, or in many cases simply irrelevant to the proceedings.  We assist you to run your case effectively, helping you with the understanding and language needed to communicate effectively in high stress situations where the stakes are very high.  We have personal experience of the family court system in our own private lives, and we utilise those experiences, as will you in the future, to prevent our clients from being drawn into situations engineered to disadvantage or misrepresent them.