Thank you for responding to our Facebook advert, presuming that you need help with a matter concerning care of/contact with your child/ren and/or family court, you can book an appointment for an initial complimentary 20 minute consultation here.
If you are not sure, and just looking for some general guidance, you'll find lots of it and a bunch of self help guides at hour website If its something simple and you just have a quick question, just reply to this email, or if its an urgent matter and you cant find an appointment slot in the calendar, you can call us on 07463907433.
Please note that we are unable to assist with Public Family Law cases (i.e. social services have issued proceedings in regards to your child/ren), we are not Legal Aid registered and we are unable to offer pro-bono assistance. Whilst the initial 20 minute consultation is free of charge, we do charge for our services thereafter, you can either book further 30 minute or 60 minute consultations and pay for those by credit or debit card at the time of booking, or if you wish us to take on your case to completion and you are both motivated and have funding available, our fee schedule is here, and our terms of business are here. To read about our approach to helping clients click here.
All the very best,
Brian Hudson